Friday, November 21, 2014

Another Week Gone By

This has been the first weekend in a while where I wasn't thinking thank goodness it's finally Friday. There were no mice attacks, I finally have my motorbike, and the weather has cooled off enough to where I need a sweater in the mornings. Life is finally starting to feel settled and I have a routine down. I'm also hoping that now that I have a routine I will be able to blog a little bit more, so be on the lookout for posts a little more frequently. As for now here are some pictures I snapped this week.

This week the students at the university have been preparing for a dance competition on December 2nd, Lao National Day. Each department and each year has to create their own dance.

My year four students invited me to come practice their dance with them. I am pretty terrible at dancing in general and my Lao dancing isn't any better.

My year two students asked me to come watch them practice as well.

This week has of course involved a lot of cooking and baking. This week I tried a new recipe, Oven roasted tomatoes stuffed with rice. I will post the recipe soon!

My roommate and I shared some laughs over a cup of tea. My tea bag also came with some sage advice.

This week my year two students took their midterm. This is a note one of my students left for me at the bottom of their test. 

Friday afternoon was spent tutoring students who need extra English practice. I love spending time with them outside of class and actually getting to know them. Also seeing the smiles on their faces when something finally clicks is priceless. 

I hope you all had a great week and have a wonderful weekend as well. 


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