Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Adventures

It's hard to believe I graduated college a week ago. I still haven't been able to wrap my mind around it. The idea seems so surreal because well I certainly can't be old enough to graduate. Was I not just starting kindergarten or trying to figure out how to survive middle school? Was it not just yesterday that I was a high school senior and pushing my parents out the door ready to start my first year at Shorter?  I guess yesterday was not three and a half years ago. Now as my friends prepare to return back to Rome in a few weeks I will stay behind. This is not just winter break for me. Instead it is the turning of a page. No more exhausting research papers or stressful finals weeks, now I am looking forward to new adventures!

Speaking of new adventures, I have some really exciting news to share with y'all! *drum roll please*... I am moving to Laos!! I have committed to working there for eleven months as an English teacher. And obviously I am really excited to go because this is just one step forward in living out my dream and travelling the world! Unfortunately, I have about six months of waiting before I leave but honestly that is probably a good thing because there is A LOT to do in the meantime. So keep checking back because I promise (to do my best) to keep you updated along the way.

(read about some of my other traveling adventures here)

Gradation Day:

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